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Welcome Note

Dear visitors

I welcome you to the official website of the Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation. Since 1972, this corporation had the key role in the development of Jordanian MSME towards achieving the goals of the Jordan in financing the private sector and providing an incubating environment that assist them to grow, develop and prepare the solid foundation to increase exports by focusing on marketing, promotion, technical and financial support.

JEDCO is the official government arm in partnership with the private sector and the expert part of developing opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises implementing multiple role in supporting the national economy by establishing specialized programs in cooperation with Jordan's development partners from donors, international financing institutions, and local actors such as civil society organizations and representative bodies of the private sector. Over fifty years, JEDCO has provided financial and technical support to more than 3025 Jordanian MSMES, carried out promotional and marketing activities in more than 112 countries to increase exports and enhance SME’s contribution in the national income. JEDCO’s staffs are always ready to discuss more ideas and receive all points of view to develop work methods to build new horizons for the Jordanian economy in the second centenary of the country to make the hopes of its citizens and the goals of His Majesty King Abdullah II and his faithful Crown Prince.



H.E. Mr. Abedfattah Al- Kayed